Friday, November 12, 2010

Bountifully Blessed . . .

Day 12:

I am thankful for Children's fever reducing medicine.

I know, something you would not think of, but I am trying to write these posts so that I find gratitude for something that happened specifically for that day. Well, Friday, I had not one, but two little dears with fevers and sad faces. When children are sick, it just breaks my heart. As adults, the second we feel a little off, we can "take something". When my energetic, busy 2 1/2 year old is not wanting to do anything but "lay down with blankee", that is a bad sign. Poor dear. Not long after, out vivacious Peaches asked to take a nap. Again, not a good sign.

After a quick hand on the face check and a more accurate test with a thermometer, it was confirmed. Unseasonably hot!! So, after a cool washcloth and some rest made no affect, I pulled out the ibuprofen. Some may not go for that route, but I do and within minutes they started to cool and smiles began to return.

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