Monday, February 8, 2010

Home Educaiton . . .

Week of Feb. 1st - 5th:

: Ether 10-12, primary songs

Spelling: Ky just completed lesson 55 and Bugaloo just completed lesson 16 in Word Lessons.

Reading: Ky read through lessons 35 - 37. Bugaloo read through lessons 34-36.

Ky started reading Nancy Drew: The Secret of the Old Clock. She wants to read the series!
Bugaloo started May Bird among the Stars.

They finished listening to The Magician's Nephew and also listened to The Problem with the Puddles. Peaches has been listening to Stuart Little.

Copy Work: Bugaloo is still working hard on her cursive, doing some review. They both copied a poem that they are memorizing.

Math: Ky started on long division with remainders. She seems to have taken to the concept quickly. She is doing a great job! Bugaloo continued with multiplication facts. She reviewed her fours and did worksheets and tables for five's.

History: We read about life in the colonies and the Salem witch trials in American History Stories. We picked up the book, The Story of the Thirteen Colonies by Clifford Lindsey Aldermann and have been reading more information on these topics.

Take Five: For "Take 5", they reviewed measuring using the metric scale. The used a ruler and measuring tape to measure various objects around the house. They also figured conversion in the metric system from millimeters to centimeters to meters.

Music/Art Study: The girls read a biography about Leonardo Da Vinci and have been studying his art and works.

Other: Ky and Bugaloo spent time writing in their journals every day and also in scripture study.

Ky, Bugaloo, and Peaches have all really like the lessons they are doing with MusIQ. We are still waiting on the actual lesson books, but they have really done well wtih the program.

Ky and Bugaloo have both chosen a poem to memorize. Ky chose Against Idleness and Mischief by Isaac Watts and Bugaloo chose The Canary by Elizabeth Turner. Peaches and I are working on memorizing At the Zoo by William Makepeace Thackeray.

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