We were perusing through a thrift store the other day, and Ky glanced a book cover made of plastic canvas and expressed an interest in making one. So, we got online and looked for some ideas, picked up some canvas and blunt needles and with the help of the website, www.craftdesigns4you.com/learntostitchpc, they started on their first project, a small happy face.

It was a good design to start with, as it only uses a tent stitch for the whole thing. They LOVED it, and now they want to make all sorts of things. They even asked if I would print out all the instructions and information on all the different stitches for them to learn.
I found that this was a good place to start. They need to get used to the idea of keeping the yarn untangled and following very simple, basic patterns. They did a great job and had a fun time too. What kinds of home crafts do you do?
Dear Googs,
Thanks for the great question on my blog. I've written a post to help answer it! Home schooling is a work in progress isn't it? I love that we get to choose our own paths with our children!
Have a happy home schooling day!
Great work! I love that you are encouraging crafting :)
I'm glad I *stumbled* across your blog whilst hopping around blogland. I look forward to re-visiting and reading more.
Julia (home-educating mum of 4)
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