Monday, January 25, 2010

Home Education . . .

Week of Jan 18th - 22nd:

: Ether chapters 1-6, primary songs

Spelling: Ky just completed lesson 53 and Bugaloo just completed lesson 14 in Word Lessons.

Reading: Ky read through lessons 29,30, & 31. Bugaloo read through lessons 28, 29, & 30.

Ky is reading May Bird among the Stars and Bugaloo is reading Matilda.

Family Read: We are
reading some stories from Sketchbook by Washington Irving. We listened to Rip Van Winkle.

Copy Work: They are continuing to copy the Articles of Faith with #12. Bugaloo has done a great job with her cursive practice. She continued with a, d, g, c, & q.

Math: Ky did some introductory pages on division and Bugaloo worked on her 4 times table.

History: We read more about different colonies in American History Stories, Vol 1.

Take Five: Take Five last week was How Author's Write Stories.
They learned about the different parts of a story; ie. characters, setting, problems, etc., and they were asked to write outlines and stories. They also listened to a couple of stories that I read to them, and then filled out outl9ines accordingly.

Music/Art Study: We took the week to study and appreciate art done by Sandro Boticelli. They liked his art and detail.

Detail from Primavera

Other: While the parents did Rave Ramsey's Financial Peace for FHE, Ky and Bugaloo took the lead and helped all the kids make puppets out of paper sacks and misc. paper pieces. They did a great job and are so great at helping their younger brother and sister and cousins.

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