Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Our First Week . . .

One of the only successful things that grew in our garden!

I think it was a success!! Our first week of homeschool has come and gone and I do believe that it was a great time had by everyone. I will just run through what we did. I really liked reading a play by play of someone's day or week of their schooling experiences. It helped me realize that it was reachable.

For Spelling, C9 finished lesson 37 in Word Lessons. She copied the words and definitions over a period of three days. The other two days were spent answering the questions that went with the lesson. C8 finished lesson 1 in Word Lessons. She copied each of the words over two days and then copied sentences that included these words two other days ( just a side note: C8 was sick with fever for a day, so took a break).

For Reading, C9 read through the opening pages of her book McGuffey's Fourth Reader and also read Title 1. C8 read through the intro pages and then Lesson 1 in McGuffey's Third Reader. They did this on Tuesday and Thursday. Monday thru Friday, they read the first 11 chapters of Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson. C4 worked on letter recognition. We used phonics flash cards to help her learn and remember her letters.

For Copy Work, C9 and C8 copied 1 scripture from the Bible, 2 from the Book of Mormon and a quote by Freud. C4 practiced tracing lines of different sorts and writing her name.

For our Family Read time, we read some old fairy tales from a book of virtues and we started on a book about myths and other stories. This has gone well with our "Take Five" topic and history.

For Math, C9 worked on basic multiplication facts with a times table, worksheet, flashcards, and games. C8 worked on triple digit addition with a worksheet and games. C4 worked on racogniton of shapes and drawing of shapes. She also worked on recognition of colors.

For "Take Five", C9 and C8 learned about why and how things, people, and places are named the way they are. From cities, to peoples last names. They also worked on capitilization of proper nouns with this.

For History, we read the first two chapters in Amercian History Stories, Volume 1. We have been reading from a biography about Lief Ericson and the Norseman. We started on our Book of Centuries.

We also got to go to the library to find new "fun" books to read, a couple of biographies, and play some games on the computers. C9 and C8 also spent time honing their typing skills with a FREE program I downloaded called Rapid Typing. We learned a new song and are helping C4 understand dates and weather with a morning calendar routine. This is basically the jist of our week. We completed our Nature Study over the weekend, but see a separate post for that.

All in all, an amazing week and a great time had by all. I especially loved every minute of it. It gave me a great feeling inside to know that my kids where home with me, just how I like it. Happy schooling to all!!

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