Monday, August 2, 2010

August . . .

I know. It seems strange that I would title this post the way I did. Why? Because August is just beginning? Because as the eighth month of the year, it sometimes gets a little forgotten? Because for some, August means a beginning?

As much as I would like to say that we kept up our normal routine of life and learning throughout the summer, I can not. With the hustle and bustle of cousins, reunions, swimming lessons, camping, recovering from all the before stated, this, that and the other, our "routine" was quietly and swiftly thrown out the window. It makes me sad to admit that, because I so wanted to do everything the same and keep a normal schedule. Well, I have come to find that this simply can not happen; Not for us anyway.

So, with the start of a new month (August) and things settling down, my thoughts turn to our life and learning and wanting to get back to "routine". I have two main goals for August. The first is to attempt to get life, home, and learning back in order and back on track. The second, to train like a mad woman so I can RUN the entire length on my 5k at the first of September. Sadly, I have not done so great with the latter over the summer. Well, I guess it is a good thing that our routine wasn't the only thing that kind of . . . fell by the wayside.

Frankly, I think I need a vacation from my "summer vacation". I felt like we were so "busy", maybe that's not the right word, . . . I' don't know . . . anyway, it's seems as though there was no "break" involved. Is it a bad sign to feel like this at the end of summer?

August, truly, I welcome you! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Being A Mother Who Knows said...

Yep, that pretty much sums up my summer too. I was determined to keep up our routine, didn't happen. Now everything is over and this week I am trying to get back into a routine. Good luck with your routine!