Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sunny, Cold Mornings . . .

Sunny, cold mornings. A sad way to describe the beginning of a new day, yet it means so much. Starting each day a new with a bright outlook on the tasks and possibilities before me, is how I have been taking each dawning. Yet, the chill and cold of the day seems to seep in at one place or another. So much so, that a constant prayer throughout my day, to be a blessing as a wife and mother, is always there. It's hard.

The ideals and dreams that we have for the life of our family seems delightful and within reach. Most days, the sun can be felt from all around. Children joyfully and deeply involved in their lessons and tasks; happy words and deeds shown everywhere.

The beams of light seen streaming through the brisk day as a devoted sister reads to a little brother, simply because she wants to and it brings him joy. How I love the warmth of those moments!


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